September 30, 2012

Project Sunburn rough draft

Project Sunburn is an homage to the following movies:
  • Hunter Prey
  • Jurassic Park
  • Star Wars, to an extent
  • Six-string Samurai
  • Pitch Black
I should elaborate. Long stretches of perilous survival punctuated by frantic fire-fights with a couple groups of opponents. It is by no means post-apocalyptic. I'm breaking that habit, dammit!

Basic idea is as follows: The players' ship crashed (big surprise) on a desert planet. They need to escape via spaceship. Remember these guys?

They've taken up various forts and bunkers on the surface. I'll need to invent a major population (native). They are the main antagonists- militaristic, efficient, and adapted to the planet. They also drink salt water, just to be a dick to the players (they'll need a purifier).

More details later. For now, I'm trying to establish the main "theme" as well as the atmosphere. I imagine a lot of Rammstein is going to be involved.

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