November 4, 2012


Obviously, a work in progress. For the time being, a "turn" is about 5 seconds. Everyone's turns should, supposedly, happen all at the same time. But that sounds like a terrible way to spend an evening. So, here are the basics, building off of what happened last post:
  • Guns have a maximum number of shots/turn. It is still 5 seconds, and even the most coordinated shooter will be held back by his equipment. Say we have a 25 AP character with a 10 AP gun: Carry two of them. 10 AP to shoot the first one, 5 AP to switch, then 10 AP to shoot the second one. It's almost like dual-wielding. Far from perfect, but it's what I got.
  • Walking has a maximum distance. How much of their turn is dedicated to movement I leave to them. I'm thinking 1AP/square, and sprinting takes 1AP/2 squares. But, they can't do anything while sprinting.
  • Stealth rules need to be ironed out, but here's the 'rough: -0 while staying put, doing nothing. No penalty for making another stealth check (think of it as digging in further). -4 while walking. -7 while sprinting. -12 while discharging a firearm (grenades don't count). Effects stack. Any character who is "in stealth," successfully, cannot be targeted.
  • Any character who attacks from stealth gets an automatic critical- the equivalent of maximum accuracy roll. For players, this is an 8.
  • Carry weight is 2x strength + 1x concentration + 5x carry weight + 40, max is 200.
  • Oh derp.
More later, as always. Maybe I'll actually get off my ass and make maps...

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