December 5, 2012

After Sunburn

Here' to getting ahead of myself. *clink*

I've already begun thinking of what comes after Project Sunburn. What's next for the Escapade Engine?
  • Sunburn 2
  • Yore
  • Spectrum: World
Sunburn 2 is the most likely one. I've got a plot nicely set up to walk the players into, and I'm pretty familiar with the world already. Same goes for the players. I feel most confidant with this one.

Yore was the second "first test" of the EE I had planned. Basic medieval fantasy, except it was based in a desert, Arabian-style environment for the first half. The bland, medieval-Europeans were the bad guys, just to shake things up. I have no doubt this one is going to happen, but most likely after Sunburn 3.

Spectrum is really the self-actualization of the Escapade Engine. The engine is designed for simplicity and adaptability. It can easily reconfigure to horror, pulp sci-fi, modern, etc. Or, it can simulate all at the same time. This is the ultimate end goal. Spectrum is an expression of that- hopping around in time and space Chrono Trigger style, taking laser guns to the prehistoric era, or using powerful, ancient tattoos to fight evil. Maybe both at the same time.

Either way, there's always more inspiration out there. Speaking of which...

I've been thinking for some time about a nomadic experience- one where the goal is simply to go, and things appear by the side. The video game Journey is a good example of this. The original inspiration for Project Sunburn was the movie Hunter Prey (2011, it's on Netflix). Granted, I took most of the survival message, but the idea still appeals to me.

As does a non-violent campaign. The best use of this would be a test for the Speech rules. After all, the way to make skill checks interesting is to give them actual interplay, like combat. Roll die -> Get result is boring.

More rambling later. For now, I need to get off my high horse and make some bunker maps.

Stay cool.

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