January 31, 2013

Letter of Intent

 I want to put this out here, partially for myself, but also for others.

The Escapade Engine is designed to be simple, usable, and fun. It has a heavy focus on integration of other gameplay elements. This either allows for different rules and genres to be played with the same engine, or for multiple gametypes to be played at the same time. That is, I believe, its manifest destiny.

The EE will be free- I am not going to charge money for this. There won't be any books, official dice-sets, or miniature figures. It's supposed to be a good time with friends, no more- the extra money can go to pizza for late-night gaming sessions

This is the same reason I'm not going to turn Adsense onto this blog. Odds are you're here for words of questionable wisdom, not "1 simple trick to perform a coordinated air assault on a stationary target," or similar.

So, whoever you are, game on!


"But why not play GURPS?"
-I like English, not physics. The EE has a focus on being easy to use, something GURPS fails at. Same goes for most D&D games, which put too much of an emphasis on combat encounters for my liking.

"I had, like, this really cool idea for a thing. Can I do it?"
-Of course. The rules should be simple enough that you can just wedge it in.

"I'm very impressed, or uniquely offended- how do I get into contact with you?"
-Send me an email at escapadeengine@gmail.com

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