February 28, 2013

Bite-sized thoughts 4

-Asshole NPCs

Too many of my characters are nice people. They're all the same intellectual, optimistic, friendly person I try to be in real life. Bullcrap! Without war there can be no peace, without evil there is no good, and without assholes there are no good people!

The group I usually GM for doesn't consist of a lot of people who take kindly to... negative social interaction. So, my plan is, any "asshole" characters are that way to everyone in general, not just the players. After a while, they might even treat the players a little more kindly. Who knows?

In general, my NPCs just need more contrast. Notice how most quest-givers in RPGs are exactly identical? I'm trying to avoid that. So, in the interests of realism, I'm going to be an absolute jerk.

Why do I get the feeling I've missed something?

-Character Creation

Usually, I spring my story ideas on players last-second. Sometimes because that's when I think of them, but usually because that's how our group rolls. I've decided to change this up a little bit.

For Sunburn, I'm going to give the players a little questionaire. It'll have basic questions to help them visualize their character and decide on a personality, as well as a little bit of flair to get used to the atmosphere of the world. I'll hold off on character creation, that's not quite as important.

-Writing like an entire page for a single part of a Bite-sized thoughts segment

It's a bad habit I'm trying to avoid. But dammit, that movie left an impression!

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