February 5, 2013

Non-narrative game mechanics

I knew this would happen eventually. I finally get to shut up about story structure! =D

Well, kinda. I'm going to be laying out the stats for: Anti-acid, defib shockers, bandages, and ammunition. The narrative purpose behind these is that the players "absorb the power," so to speak, of their enemies. In short, use the enemy's stuff so you can survive longer. That's it. Done.


There are 3 different kinds of ammunition: Pistol, rifle/machine gun, big rifle. So, 4 different magazines. A friend once brought up the idea of magazines having weight, instead of doing it video-game style. I like this idea, as it puts more of a focus on strategy and logistics. So, here's what I'm thinking:

  • Pistol and BR magazine: 1 pound
  • AR magazine: 2 pounds
  • MG magazine: 4 pounds
  • Grenade: 3 pounds
  • 10 rounds pistol ammo (1 mag): 1 pound
  • 6 rounds BR ammo (1 mag): 2 pounds
  • 30 rounds AR ammo (1 mag AR, 1/4 mag MG): 3 pounds
The players can carry as much ammo as they want outside of their magazines. But, if their mags run out during combat, they have to choose between using a different weapon, and spending a lot of time loading.

Speaking of ammo: The stuff for the AR and MG, the medium-sized ones, are acidic. Every hit gives the target a "burn marker." I'll probably just put the number on a die, and raise it each time they're hit. On their turn, the target takes that number of acidic damage.

-Anti acid

Because dying by acid sucks. Each anti-acid is 1 pound. Players will roll on this table:

Anti-Acid, Medicine Check:
-1: No acid removed
2-6: 1 acid removed
7: 2 acid removed
8: 3 acid removed

Anti-acid is a lot less common than bullets, so I figured I'd give it a boosty. We'll see how this ratio works during the alpha test.


The old, trusty health potion. The Medicine check on this, and the Anti-acid, is going to help players who put themselves into a "medic" role, not a bad option.

Medicine Check + 2 HP to target, maximum 10 HP restored. Weighs 1 pound.


The logistics are meant to be another conflict scenario. Players choose between water, bullets, and meds. Not to mention weapons and armor, the two heaviest things. But, they only need one of those.

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