March 10, 2013

Stuff Happens

For the last couple of days, my computer hasn't been able to start up. It's better now, but I think it may be dying. After 8 years of solid performance, it may be giving up the ghost.

Specifically, just at random, it decided to work this morning. So, I'll muse about it.

One thing I solidly believe in is that life happens. It's good, it's bad, it's sideways, stuff just happens- and the only way to stay alive is to keep up with it.

This is something a good GM throws in on occasion- just random events which slightly alter the dynamic of gameplay. A tunnel collapses, someone survives a bullet by chance, etc. Even "random" good things change up the dynamic, because it all adds uncertainty.

And, ultimately, uncertainty is one of the most powerful gameplay elements in RPGs. It's the entire reason dice were created. Even if it's something calculated, and designed to change the plot (even small things, like a character stubbing their toe on a rock) it still has impact. It makes the world less predictable, and I believe, more dynamic and enjoyable.

It also depends on the campaign. If it's a hard military-science/post-apoc setting, LOTS of things should go wrong (especially if you're a fan of 1980's post-Heinlein military sci-fi). But, if it's a Candy Land RPG-

Has anyone done a Candy Land RPG? Leave a comment.

-Then most random events should be positive, unless if you're trying to create a very stark contrast. Some food for thought, hopefully enough to appetize after an unexpected week-long hiatus. I'm back, or so I hope.

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