April 4, 2013

Finishing Sunburn - 4/5

Got back to my roots, watched Pitch Black. Wanted to set the mood.

Currently working the numbers, trying to make it balanced. Definitely put this off for too long.

Hell is having a nice sheet all worked up, and no printer to use.
Thinking the first group will have three people: A fighter, a survivalist/pack mule, and a medic/techie.

A 20-80 range of HP sounds pretty good, as does a 10-30 range of AP. Think I'll go with this for now.

Got stuff done on the player side- now to work the maps. Oh joy.
Survival is definitely going to let players cross the desert faster- GPS can only predict so many things when there's twisters that can pick up a tank.
Starting the group off with 210 XP total to split between them. We'll see how long the balance works.

Print maps, play.

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