April 12, 2013

The Ideal GM

A while ago I did a post- the ideal tabletop gamer. Today I wanted to expand on it in a simple way.

The ideal GM should also be a good player.

There's numerous quotes about leadership, but the one that comes to my simplistic mind is; "Those that cannot follow, cannot lead." That sounds very sadistic on paper, but it's true. The player's role is to follow the narrative, and enjoy themselves along the way. The GM's job is to make the narrative and respond to any player feedback. And to enjoy him/her/itself.

One thing I truly appreciate is dedicated players. People who can just follow a story, wherever it goes. There's something magical about it- being able to deliver an experience perfectly, to an eager audience. I'm mostly sure that's one of my basic food groups by now.

The internet (and local chatter) is stuffed with stories of bad GMs. Ninety percent of those shortcomings could have been avoided if the GM would have thought, "How would I like this as a player?"

Some food for thought.

The desert is an oasis of blood.

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