May 25, 2013


So, I tried to play-test Project Sunburn a few days ago. It sucked REALLY hard. But, at least I know what I did wrong.

One- the mechanics were a big jumble. It was tough to tell what could be used where, and when characters had to roll for water.

Two- the character sheets didn't have enough information. Just the skills wasn't enough- they needed dedicated inventories, water trackers, ammo trackers, and a better way to manage weight.

Stylistically, it worked, and it had about the right pace I was looking for. Excellent. Fabulous. But, maybe that's because I wasn't orating to actual players. Yeah. That'll need a change. So, I'm going to dial things back a lot. I'm going to start simple, then work my way up from there. Just a couple of stats, simple rolls, and only a few items.

I had a dream last night. Not quite sure what it was about, but I'm still filling in the details. I'm planning on spinning a plot, then making a quick romp through a game engine out of it. It seemed compelling enough, whatever it was.

Beaten, not broken.

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