May 12, 2013

Last-minute Panic

One advantage of procrastination is having a lot of time to ruminate my works. For an example, I think I need to change out a character from Sunburn- Wheel.

Is there any reason, whatsoever, to have it talk? All it has to do is have a noticeably missing piece, and act as a final choice: Leave the planet and doom the locals, or stay on the ground. I'm considering an altar of some kind, or possibly tablets. See how much this has changed? I still remember when I was calling it "The Burning Wheel."

Now that I've had some time to think about this, I realize just how silly it is. Sunburn is a functional test of the EE; a diagnostic, you could say. And I'm worrying about the story? This is either an exceptional devotion to roleplaying, or stupidity of the highest caliber. Could be a mix, too.

Either way, I'm not making the same mistake twice. The other Sunburns, as well as all future RPGs, are going to be designed to have more characters. I feel like the desolate environment might be a bit of a turn-off. Wonder why?

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