July 30, 2013


Haven't gone quiet, I promise. Just been job hunting and procrastinating like a boss.

Recently, I've come to realize the power of images. In a small conversation with one of my usual players, he mentioned how much easier it would be if he had an image to look at, instead of just my words to hang off of.

Okay, cool. I can do that.

As much as I slam the tablet market, this is something that one would be useful for. An iPad (or similar) hooked up to a pinterest account, or even a slideshow, would make visualizing people and places easier on the eyes, and more memorable.

Show, don't tell.

The cheap alternative is to just print out pictures, label them, and have a binder full of locations and people. The idea I had earlier- "Talking Heads-" could also be integrated into this.

In fact, there is a printer where I live. I'm going to have to start looking into this...

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