January 6, 2014

Frickin' Progress

There's a gameplan, now.

Hacktest, Locktest.

I'm actually glad the Hacking is the first thing I'm working on- it's a personal message of sorts, and one of the more complicated bits. It's certainly lacking the "fun" part so far, but it appears simple and usable. Dice save us all.

The bit in the nuclear reactor is going to be Locktest. I've got a basic outline for it, but it has to wait. Just like EVERY other test I've proposed, it needs to be shelved for a bit.

-Spectrum is still on
-Project Ascension is still on
-Project Sunburn is still on
-Project Elvis is still on

Just a matter of time. And I should have some more mythological creatures soon, right after I spend a few hours thinking about zombie sex.


... This is why no one takes my hobby seriously.

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