October 30, 2012

EE workings & PS maps

I think I've got the turn thing worked out.

A player's AP is (coordination) + 10. Max is 30.

The rules are simple:
  • Every action uses AP
  • You can do until you run out, then your turn is over
  • AP regenerates at the beginning of your turn
  • If you want to do something you don't have enough AP for, you cannot do anything else during your turn
  • You can choose to "interrupt" during someone else's turn (my response to D&D's attack of opportunity), but it will cost during your turn.
I think I've got it all worked out. For the time being, walking takes 5 AP, making a skill check takes 5 AP, using an item/weapon uses a variable amount. Pressing a button is less complicated than giving yourself first aid.


For the area maps I've got a simple (and I think ingenious) idea: The alphabet. Each room will be roughly shaped like a letter. H, V, E, U, etc. All fair game. As long as I'm not too obvious about it, no one will notice. And it's really easy once I've got the basic shape.

Plus, different races (thus architecture) can be derived from different alphabets. English, Arabic, Binary, etc.

5 rooms in water treatment plant
5 rooms in orbital catcher
8 rooms in hellhammer crater, 2 for boss fight.

Speaking of the boss fight, I need to make it suitably epic. More in a later post.

Edit: I can also spell stuff with the maps. "Y O U A R E S O S C R E W E D," perhaps.

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