October 25, 2012

Not Project Sunburn

Taking a break from the 'burn. Probably going to write more about it anyway, though. I'm on kind of a one-track mind ATM.

I was thinking more about the zombie breakout in Indiana, I've decided. The players, for whatever reason, have to leave town to talk to a guy (Milo?) in a radio station. He's a little paranoid, and falls into my habit of crazy people always being right- it's zombies! In a military base!

Officially, the project was an additive in MREs that would make the soldier more alert, and physically capable. But guess what? Zombies!

The players rush back to town to find two groups struggling for power- the Sheriff's men, and the Bikers. Because the town needs to be defended from... Zombies!

The players enter a speech challenge to decide who the massed crowd follows. If they side with the law, then the Sheriff himself will join them. If they join with the bikers, then Lorraine will join them- and stab Zombies!

The Sheriff's plan is to coordinate the local citizens, and set up a firing line. He really doesn't trust them to do anything else, which is probably true. The Sheriff himself has higher than normal defense, on account of his kevlar vest. He carries a shotgun and a tazer, good for electrocuting Zombies!

The bikers plan to make hit-and-run attacks on the zombies, because they're really good at that sort of thing. They are fast, mean, and get into fights for a living. So does Lorraine. She's an angry black woman who carries around an SS knife- "SS is Nazis. I hate Nazis. Hate is power. This makes me powerful." She is aggressive, and good at it. Her weapons are the SS knife, a revolver, and a bad attitude which she uses for shouting at Zombies!

Cue the required military base fight. The bulk of them are shambling towards the town, so the players (and their plus-one) are going to have an easy time getting in. At the end, there's a mad scientist ranting a raving to his shadowy cabal of overlords on huge screens. He pulls out a machine gun and poorly tries to shoot at the players. His skill with guns isn't worth dick. And in the end, the faces on the screens give a dire warning (dun dun dun!), and log off. The town, with whoever in charge, has defended itself from the Zombies!

It's short, sweet, and simple. I really wish I had thought of this before investing so much time in PS. Ah well.

And here's the required piece about PS. I've decided "Nasser" doesn't fit the criteria for Space Trooper names, and I'll change it to something like Mitchell, or Gomez. More later. Currently thinking of floor plans for the bunkers. And the basic EE fight rules. And the speech rules. And, most importantly...

... Zombies!!!

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