October 15, 2012

EMPIRE Bunkers

With the total map complete, I'm ready to move on to specific places. I've been thinking it takes the players from south to north, and the narrative moves with them- think Sonny.

My plan is as follows. Remember there will be random encounters (patrols, wild animals, or Drahn) between all of them.
  • Crash-landing
  • Dead EMPIRE patrol
  • Drahn ambush
  • Water treatment plant
  • Burning Wheel
  • Second bunker- "receiving." It's a giant catch-pad for orbital drops.
  • Drahn caves
  • Hellhammer site
  • Burning Wheel
There will be no reason to head back (except at the end), but the players can if they choose to.

Also had a thought on water- the Drahn can dig under the sand and suck it out of the roots of plants. But they'd like something in exchange for all their hard work. Like a gun.

Speaking of which, I need to reduce the weight on most of the gear. And find the formula for carry weight...

Each EMPIRE base should have its own "moment." In order of appearance:
  • Fight inside a fresh-water tank
  • Dark maintenance tunnels
  • Hellhammer
I think I've got the nuts to pull this off. Maybe even in 30 days or less. I'll be thinking today.

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