October 1, 2012

Project Sunburn- natives

The Nali from Unreal are the base inspiration- timid, strong, and pacifistic. Except fsck being pacifistic. These people live on hell's front doorstep.

Most likely hunters, with lots of experience using spears, atlatls, and other weapons made from bone. Because wood? What's that?

Drahn. It sounds elegant, and like something you might find living in a desert.

They live in small villages wherever they can find shelter. About 200 people per village, but most are the usual hunter/gatherer fare. Somehow they can find water in most places.

They refuse to fight the EMPIRE in anything other than self-defense. They know what kind of things fall from the sky when they disobey.

They buy pelts, guns, and ammo. The EMPIRE armor is all but useless to them- most of their prey doesn't shoot back.

They sell water, tribal fighting equipment, and survival gear- including camouflage cloaks. It's a little odd the cloaks fit perfectly over the EMPIRE armor. Almost as if they've been planning something. They also sell poisons and antidotes. Mostly antidotes, though.

They don't need to sleep- being highly adapted to the environment, they never sleep. If they get tired, they just lie down for a few hours to let their muscles relax.

Oh! And they also sell amazing jerky. Like really tasty. It's a method of endearing them to the players.

More later. Running out of inspiration.

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