December 24, 2012

Even more Hellhammer

I think I've got it figured out. The giant robot idea is cool, but a little out of place. Suddenly, introduce an EMPIRE official with sentience, independence, and a large weapon he's been hiding in the basement? Seems a little far-fetched, even for PS.

I always thought boss levels were the manifestation of the "mood" of the enemy, or area. Bowser is an extension of his castles, Tartarus from Halo 2 was the pinnacle of the Covenant's folly and blind acceptance of the Great Journey, etc.

The Boss level in the Digsite (Not Hellhammer any more, that's just a little bit too heavy metal) is the area itself. The players have two objectives:

-Stop the acoustic repellent (so the Drahn don't go berserk)
-Hack the artillery gun to blast the glass crater

The "boss" of the area is the entire bunker filling up with sand. In an earlier post, the one with the map of the Dig site, I mentioned that if the crater is destroyed, osmosis would flood the entire facility with sand. This is exactly what I was talking about- except, the players will start stranded at the bottom of the bunker.

If any of them think of it, I'll allow them to put the artillery gun on a countdown. But, the "vanilla" ending is so much more interesting.

I'll need to draw up maps before I can go into any details. But still, a much more fitting end to the campaign, instead of slugging it out with a giant robot.

Still burning.

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