January 11, 2013

Short Walk through a Long Desert

Most of Sunburn is spent in a desert, as opposed to fighting through bunkers. It's supposed to be a nomadic experience, filled to some extent with scenes of awe and wonder. The last thing I want to do is say "You spend a week walking across the dunes. You have exhausted 14 liters of water each. Blah blah I have no appreciation for narrative and picture."

The desert is also a way to relax after bunker combat. The focus isn't HP, it's water. There are certainly dangers, but they don't carry guns. Usually.

There's going to be an encounter table for the desert. Almost all of the dangers are environmental, Damnation-Alley style.
  • Twisters
  • Quakes
  • EMPIRE Patrols
  • Quiet nights under the stars
 It's pacing, utimately. A little bit of falling action, before ramping it up for the next bunker. There was a previous post, with the pacing of Star Wars. Same idea. The low spots are walks through the desert, punctuated with trying to not get sucked into the sky or the ground.

The desert is hungry.

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