January 16, 2013

Water and Sunshine

The water issue is something I've been rethinking. 2 "canteens" a day seems a little pointless- much easier to just call it one canteen, and save the hassle. It'll be less of a hip flask, more of a jug.

Also, I've re-thought the environment a little bit. As much as I want to make a sprawling desert like the Sahara, it would be much more interesting to let it be a little cooler. The belts of stuff in the air would block out a considerable amount of sunlight, cooling the surface temperature. This gives some leniency in terms of water/day, and and allows for things like small shrubbery and humans to survive on the surface.

Somehow, in my mind, I lost the resource panic brought on by Hunter Prey, and a little of Pitch Black. Even the old-school Fallouts. It's supposed to be dangerous. I'll introduce more water scarcity, and I'm thinking of putting some ad-hoc water sources out in the desert. Plants, discarded EMPIRE stuff, etc. I'll figure it out.

I've missed a lot of the point, I think. Most of the inspiration sources are much more exciting than this is, and I need to figure out why, then emulate it.

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