February 17, 2013

Sunburn Trilogy

I've put some more thought into it, and Sunburn is definitely going to be a trilogy. Partially because I want the players to know a campaign, as opposed to a mission, but also because I have too many ideas to just throw them all into Sunburn 1.

Part of the original inspiration for the trilogy was Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Every couple of tiers will be a part of a "section" of Sunburn.

Those in "the know" will be able to call me out on this one almost instantly. Because these are RPG characters, and not real people, they are constantly in Physiological danger. Usually from people with guns. So, I digress, it isn't perfect. But it's close.

Sunburn 1 is the Physiological tier, bordering on the Safety tier. The players will be struggling for water, and fighting against a desert war machine. Sleep and food won't be such a big issue, mainly because as a GM, I don't want to spend a lot of time focusing on them. Maybe later. For now, the survival mechanic is water and bullets. I say "bordering" on the Safety tier because they won't really have removal from danger- the campaign is spent throwing themselves into EMPIRE bunkers, so even I'm calling this one exempt.

Sunburn 2 is the Safety, and Belonging tiers. There will be several factions the players can choose to be buddy-buddy with, and each one comes with their own perks- including a warm bed at night. Of course there's going to be conflict between the groups and their environment, but there's going to be actual people. Also, more hints as to the world of OHS-817. This sets up nicely for the last installment.

Sunburn 3 is about Esteem, with Self-actualisation as a finale. Armed with skills, tools, and knowledge from the previous 2 installments, the players can kick a LOT of ass at this point. But, ass-kicking isn't the focus anymore. It's a huge element, but not the main draw. After what I hope to be one of the most horrible moral decisions I'll force someone to make, the characters will self-actualize. It's going to be the last half hour or so, and it'll set up nicely for whatever campaign I do afterwards. Probably the Spectrum RPG, but I'm not sure yet. Ultimately, it's just supposed to be fulfilling. It's a long, hot, dusty road- and I think the players will enjoy the conclusion.

Because, after all, everyone has their day in the Sun.

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