March 19, 2013

Drahn Revisited

... Who needs to name a race of bugs, honestly? They're bugs. Hungry, vicious, bugs.

I also think it's better for cohesion to not have a name, aside from "Sand Ants" or something ridiculous. I'll let the players make an education roll to see how much they know, Pokedex style.

The only time they're needed in the plot is to attack EMPIRE infantry and positions. They don't have any dialogue, and the only characterization they have is eating derelict weapons and equipment.

But, this puts me at a bit of an impasse.

The players are supposed to develop a bond with them. This encourages their decision at the end. Without any tactile interplay, there's no relation possible.

I'm thinking they dig anyone out of the digsite who gets trapped in there. It's explainable, plausable, and happens close to the end. We'll see how the first few testers take to it.


50 Posts? I'm okay with this.

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