April 3, 2013

Finishing Sunburn - 3/5

Maps are done, populated, and fine-tuned, at least slightly.

No real way to differentiate between what weapons enemies have, but how hard can it be? Far ones have battle rifles, nearer ones have machine guns, even closer ones have ARs or pistols, and the ones right next to elevators have knives. Kid's stuff.

I wound up putting a lot of containers inside the bunkers. For one, I feel like a bunker in a desert needs to be supplied with things like guns, ammo, and water. For two, the players need a reprieve for going commando.

Also noticed a large prevalence of computers. Oh no! I might have to make the Education skill worth two shits. A certain few are more important than others, but they'll all have a purpose. It's all tactical, is what I'm try to do. I just found out now that the EE is going to have a cover mechanic. Who knew!?

So, good times all around. Tomorrow is the first round of character creation, and blundering my way through the campaign. It should be reasonably epic.

The desert does not love, and it does not hate.

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