April 3, 2013

Finishing Sunburn - 2/5

Gah, procrastinated Tuesday. Dammit!

Today (Wednesday), I'll be adding enemy populations and making sure the EE isn't totally broken. Probably some character creation for the Thursday and Friday play-through.


One idea I had was for player characters to have manifest destinies. The session before the end, I'll have them write up what they want to happen to their characters. So, I can jury-rig the plot of the campaign to put them in those positions, respectively.

I'm pretty sure Grognardia actually inspired this one. The idea being that after they hit epic level... well, it's no more fun, because the PCs are nearly god-like in power. But, the actual idea was that the characters retire, and inhabit the world they've helped change.

I thought it would be a good touch for players (most likely at the end of Spectrum) to be able to retire their characters. Now, not necessarily retire like we do, but have a "manifest destiny" of sorts. Most likely settling, or wandering any of the worlds made available to them. This idea is still rolling around in my head, so it'll take a while to perfect. I just thought it was a cool idea- and isn't that what really matters?

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