June 4, 2013

New Engine, new problems

It's a painful realization- Sunburn sucks as an engine test. It's true- the only important skills are ranged combat, survival, medicine, and carry weight. Not a very balanced test, if you ask me.

The new engine is a simplified version of the old one. There are eight skills:

  • Strength
  • Toughness
  • Coordination
  • Reflex
  • Concentration
  • Observation
  • Speech
  • Education
And that's it. Done. Over. Nothing more specialized. No individual skills, no educations, no traits, etc. I'm starting from the ground up on this one.

Speaking of which, so is the general premise of the test mission. I figured that an abstract journey through a desert, much akin to Samurai Jack, wasn't the best way to kick things off. So, I've decided on a romp through a large city in a generic cyberpunk setup.

So far, I've decided the whole theme is on altitude. The story starts in a sewer (probably bleeding, and alone), works its way up the city's skyline, then ends in a high-class orbital establishment. It has dramatic flair, and also makes a nice reference to Sunburn's progression along Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

No name for it yet. But, I can promise a lot more diverse content than "go here and kill that."

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