June 6, 2013

Project Ascension

For the new EE, I've decided to focus on making it a test, then a functional story. My goals are:
  • Provide equal opportunities for every statistic
  • Have a focus on a simple, usable engine
  • Have fun
So, after some thought, here are my major themes for Ascension, as well as any examples I can think of.

-Those on top, usually stay on top.

Starting from the sewers below the city, the players will experience a lot of difficulty moving up- both geographically, and socially. There will be a lot of subterfuge required to eat their way to the top.

-A real friend is worth its weight in gold

At any point, the players can hire help. But, each kind of minion has drawbacks. Robots can be hacked, mercenaries can be bribed to change loyalties, and thugs like to pick and choose which doctrine they follow. But, there are a few characters in the world who are truly loyal, making them good companions.

-Money is air

Not literally. One thing I'm trying to do is drain the player's cash reserves as much as I feasibly can. There are lots of things to buy, and they're all expensive. This is to make money precious, like an HP bar. Players will constantly be on the lookout for more, for good reason.

-Corporate greed in ~50 years

Not so much a theme as a design mechanic. There will be two major arms manufacturers, whose products deactivate if the user has one from another company. It's like DRM, except it applies to your assault rifle and nanokevlar. There will also be a vending machine mafia, of sorts. When was the last time you bought something?

I feel like I'm stil missing a good chunk of it, but that's okay. My main inspirations are a cocktail of cyberpunk and regular sci-fi. Seeing as how this is a short(ish) story, I didn't want to do anything too deep for the length I have.
  • Hardwired (both the book and the movie)
  • C.H.U.D.
  • Max Headroom
  • Mass Effect
  • Gattaca
  • Neuromancer
  • The trailer for Elysium
  • Wargames
  • Mad Max, to an extent
Again, mainly for mood. I'm really excited to see how it turns out, and see if I need to kick the EE's ass again. Until then, good hunting.

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