June 11, 2013

New map format

It's been a long time coming. My best respects go out to anyone still using squares, but I just don't think they're right for this iteration of the EE. Maybe something more tactical will have them, this won't.

My thought was to take the major map, then break it up into control zones. Have another terrible, crappy MS paint map:

Guys, it's a crappy MS paint map. My end-goal for this was to be able to use real photos, but that will be a long ways in the future.

The overall map (two stairways on the banks of a spillway. Cool story?) is divided into various "control zones." It's not as tedious as squares, though not quite as tactical. My rules will be something similar to:
  • You can make melee attacks against anyone in the same control zone
  • You can make ranged attacks within reason. I might color-code them even more, and designate "lookout points" (towers, windows, teleporter fields, etc) that have a reigning influence over just about everything.
  • It costs AP to move into a zone, not out. Some zones may have a higher AP cost, but I'm still waffling on this one.
Most zones I'm trying to keep about the size of a room, though larger rooms will have larger AP costs. I made the emplaced gun its own zone for simplicity's sake (who's on first?), though I could've done the same for the armored barriers on the southern shore. Or are those benches?

It's going to be interesting coming up with pictures to mark up, but I'm fairly confident in my ability to pull stuff out of my ass.

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