February 24, 2014

Info Dump 1:1

The past weekend has been a flurry of activity and ideas. Some good, some great, some not-so-great. For this reason, I've decided there's too much info for one post. So, welcome to info dump.


Progress on karate test comes sluggishly, as usual. I have a rough idea for what I'm going to do, though. The player's choices are:

  • Light attack
  • Heavy attack
  • Block
  • Grapple
Okay, alright, so it works in fighting games. What of it? It seems like a good enough place to start. Might have made a good SNES game a few decades ago.

I'm going to flavor it up a bit by adding "stances" or "inflections." These are kind of like toppings, which add a certain mood to what they're doing.
  • Aggressive (extra damage)
  • Evasive (extra dodge)
  • Composed (extra chance to hit)
  • Defensive (negate some incoming damage)
And, possibly more. I wanted to Keep It Stupid Simple. With a fixed amount of AP, this should be just fine. The numbers will take a little bit of balancing, and some though... but won't they always? My only concern so far is keeping aggressive light attack useful, when heavy attack is available. Certainly a conundrum, and I plan to solve it by watching kung-fu movies, and clips of actual martial arts tournaments. You need to know the rules before you can break them.

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