February 24, 2014

Info dump 1:2

... Guess who saw the LEGO Movie? This guy. Guess who's putting up a SPOILER WARNING? This guy.

Arr, matey, spoilers off the starboard bow!


On so many levels, the LEGO movie is probably the best damn movie I've seen all year. Appropriate animation, some interesting twists in the script, and messages about creativity, teamwork, conformity, and control. And it's adorable.

The scene that broke me into little plastic pieces was "the real world." At that point, given only a scant bit of foreshadowing, the audience believes our protagonist is going to stay in the LEGO world, comfortably surrounded by plastic blocks. Then he falls off the table, and sees a god in the form of a creative child.

If you're reading this, you've either seen it before, or don't care. So, I'll just dive straight into the meat of it.

On a simple level, it's about the fun. Building things is fun. Making new friends is fun. Going places and seeing things is fun. And, of course, stirring up trouble is a must. All of these things are the players (lego people) taking initiative in the GM's (Will Ferrel's) world. We could even think of his kid as the spirit of adventure, taking unlikely allies on a journey they'll never forget.

To contrast this, Krazy Glue is not fun. It stops everything, making it solid. There is no gameplay except for standing like a happy statue. The GM's mission is to use as little Krazy Glue as possible. Queue the expertly-named Micro-managers.

But with more Krazy Glue, the more we depress the multi-digited god-child. Our fun is getting in the way of his. With this realization biting at his heels, the GM should just go with it, and find a new kind of fun in the creative re-construction of a normally systematic and sterile world.


Or, maybe it's just a fun movie about plastic figures on a mission. The takeaway; Have fun, save the world. I like that.

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