March 24, 2014

Critical Decision

I believe the reader is more important than the story. One exists to enrich the life of the other.

It would have been twelve hours ago I came to this conclusion. I was having a conversation with another player, and came to realize this. The quote which I hope to always remember was, "I am the rush. I am the weekly thrill, the contrast to everything else." I am a beacon of hope in a very lonely, very desolate world. Not to get full of myself, but it's the nature of myself. Like a story, I exist to enrich those around me.

Unlike a story, I enrich myself, too. I am an artist, yes- but also an athlete. My work isn't done in a secluded studio somewhere, hunched over a piece of paper, making a work to hang on a wall. Rather, my artistry is performed live. Though not as high-energy as a sprinter, or as dexterously demanding as a bobsledder, I still perform my work in front of an audience. And, just like a discus thrower, a severe laxity in my preparation can ruin the entertainment.

And so it is. The EE is starving for content, and I imagine the players are, too. They've been hungry for a very long time- just like me. So, after the cliffhanger climax of the last post... let's enrich some lives.

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