March 20, 2014


It was only fate that would make this post 100. It was not planned, it was not expected before this Monday, it just... happened.

First, this post was going to be about the end of the EE. Having realized that I have no capacity to create actual, real content, I decided it would be best to retire the blog, except for storytelling purposes.

Then, this post was going to be about a new beginning of sorts. New content! Gameplay! Updates! It was going to be great. I would have ghosted it back up, and made a roadmap from here to Spectrum.

But now, taking a rational look at my situation, I'm not sure I can say I know what happens next. My fingers basically turn into goo every time I try to make something solid, and I'm stuck in a hell of a rut.

For the time being, I'm going to focus more on narrative and storytelling. Then, once I get my act together, I'll make some actual gameplay.

Not dead- just resting.

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