April 10, 2014

Story Time

As cool as I thought the idea was, having Callahan do the story of King Arthur in the 1990's, it's just not going to work. The story does not allow, very easily, for the players to join in on the fun. So, in the interest of keeping it real, I'm going to skip over the plot and just go with the mood of it. This is a back-burner project, just like the dozens of others.


For inspiration, I started reading the D&D player's manual again. Just as I expected, it's chock-full of combat tools and abilities. They even have to note "utility spells," as anything other than an offensive maneuver.

This should make the 16 encounter list much easier. Rather than do a full-barrage encounter list, item by item, I think I'll just simplify it into a dice mechanic. X number of Y enemies in Z tier, or similar. This still references a table, but I can probably shrink it down into 16 lines, rather than 50 or something.


I wonder if my brain truly is broken. No motivation, or no ability to perform most functions. Maybe this is what it's like to go catatonic?

We'll find out, next update.

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