April 2, 2014

The Real Badass of Quincy Indiana

First off, the game. 16: A Magic Apocalypse Simulator is doing pretty well. I have an engine that can consistently generate maps, and they look pretty nice. I have a few player classes, and the core gameplay. All I really have to do now is write up some encounter tables, then playtest the crap out of it.


I once described Callahan as being "a man who cares very deeply about a town, without caring what it thinks of him." It's apt enough, and gets straight to the point. He cares, even cares too much; he's so good at posturing, he's lost himself.

The inspiration for him was a simple enough concept: 40-something white guy, brain damaged from lots of drugs in the 80's and 90's, cigar in one hand, shotgun in the other, with a little bit of cult leader thrown in. Somewhere along the way, though, I began to realize I liked him a lot. Maybe it's the power, or the indifferent attitude towards people's perception of him. Maybe I just like having someone who's controllably crazy, while being intelligent enough to ape Fight Club.

Point being, he's back. I've been thinking for a long time about what to do with him next, and I think I've got it figured out.

He's King Arthur. Complete with a round table of "knights," and a mission from God, effectively.

I'll have to do a lot more research on the Arthurian Legend. This could flop horribly, if I overlook an important detail. I also need to make a way to incorporate players, so it's not just "hey, check out this guy doing cool stuff." Dice are in the air. Let's see where they land.


We are the rush.

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