October 4, 2012

EE test run

I've been getting ahead of myself recently.

Project Sunburn is cool and all, but I need a proof-of-concept test first. Something simple, that only uses the core skills.


I thought about zombies for a while. Just a quick romp around a sunny, ideal American town filled with the undead. But zombies are way overdone. Like seriously overdone. Just ask anyone who remembers ~2008.

I'm thinking of something funnier, a lot more sardonic (?). Like a counter-culture romp. An entire town filled with idiots, worshiping some stupid, banal thing because it's on every screen. I'd have trouble pulling this one off as a GM (personal bias and all that), but it's a cool concept. I think I'll brainstorm for a little bit longer.

Update: Screw it. Sunburn is really short. Maybe a few sessions long. I'm using my official "fuck it" stamp, and forging ahead. This is going to be fun.

Onward, to glory!

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