October 22, 2012

Sunburn Misc Ideas

I've been thinking about the ending, and here's what I've got.

After the players destroy the Hellhammer and retrieve the piece of the Burning Wheel, they will return to it.

Two hundred years ago, it launched that piece of itself up into orbit, striking a hostile ship. The piece, being invincible, fell back down to the planet. The following impact made the Hellhammer crater. So, dah de dah, it's been trying to get that back, but with limited success.

With the piece returned, and the EMPIRE's bug deterrant shut down, it could repeat the shot, and have the Drahn pick up the piece. Doing this would blast a hole in the sky, and make the planet open to space travel for a dozen years or so. The problem being, EMPIRE will make an occupation en masse, having free access to the surface. But at least the players will be safe on the Brahma.

Or, the Burning Wheel can focus its energy on the water tables, and the local environment. This means the players will be stranded on OHS-817, but in good company. Also a chance to follow X and Y's little escapade (see what I did there?) through the fog.

The most human option is to leave things the way they are. I'm going to try to endear the Drahn to the players, but I can't really say I blame them for leaving a planet with dust, death, and bugs that eat guns.

Speaking of X and Y, because I'm still trying to find a name, I've got a little story for them.

Y is a very special girl. I have no idea how, but she is. I'll definitely develop this arc further, but that's all that matters for now. X is a power-armored marine. I'm thinking Enclave trooper as an inspiration- that was really my first visualization of him. He has something of a father complex (can't have kids in this military), so he flipped out with how they were treating Y. Both of them kicked out in a drop pod, landed, and did virtually what the players did. Here's how I see it happening:

He lands east of the water refinery. Knowing he can't fight them and protect Y at the same time, he coordinates attacks with the Drahn. It's after this little event that the EMPIRE put up the bug repellant. X gets some special material from them- something like a fireproof suit- and makes a hazmat suit for himself and Y. His power armor can't make it through the cloud. With all their stuff set, they escapes to the south-west. Here's the clues he leaves behind to his existence and trek:
  • Players find his drop-pod in the Water Refinery. The EMPIRE moved it in to examine it. Inside is the video recording of Nasser and Kierra making re-entry. "Daddy, are we going to be okay?"
  • Kierra's old jumpsuit is being sold by the Drahn. Kierra is a young teenager, so it's not going to fit any of the players. The Drahn haven't eaten it because they can't digest those fibers.
  • Hellhammer thinks Nasser was a kind of advance party, like a scout.
  • The Burning Wheel was a median between Nasser and the Drahn. It also noticed something was different about Kierra.
  • Players can find Nasser's armor out in the desert. Medical examination reveals mutated skin stuck to the inside of it. Drahn buy for 2 things of water. Unusable due to weather damage. Also heavy as fsck.
  • Scrawled on a rock in the wastes is a scented picture of a flower, drawn by Kierra. The same smell was inside the pod.
I figure Nasser and Kierra are from a generic human military. The TLA. Same people who sent the Brahma out. I'm not totally sure what I want Kierra's power to be yet, but I'm thinking it has to do with terraforming, or teleportation. If this campaign turns into Spectrum, she's probably going to be the one to open up a gate.

Nasser is pretty much just an improved version of the mercenary One from Mr. X. Except that he doesn't try to kill them on multiple occasions. Vaguely inspired by Ulysses from New Vegas. He just wants to start a nice family somewhere quiet.

He picked the wrong planet to fall on.

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